Friday 11 March 2011

Uni model update

Well its been a busy week, what with other assignment work.  But I've managed to push ahead with my model.  The basic model is almost finished, I am finding it hard to keep this model within the Tri limit and to include enough detail. 
Today I hit some trouble as I figured out that the concept art I'm following would not allow the mech to walk very easily. 
So I'm having to try and create my own leg mechanism that would still keep within the concept and also allow the mech to walk if I ever came to animate it.
I foresee that a lot of the detail will have to come from the texturing.
Again, most of this is just extruding from a cube or a cyclinder and adding edge loops.

Friday 4 March 2011

Uni Assignment Prop Creation

Today I started my second prop for my computer games modelling and animation university course.
The task is to create another game prop in under 10,000 Tris in Maya.
I've based my prop on a some Mecha artwork I found through Google.
Its going to be a challenge to create the Mech within the Tri budget, but then again I love a challenge.

Once I blocked the Mech out I started work on its guns, or rather one gun as I'll be mirrioring the mesh.
The Gun has been created from Extruding a cylinder and then special duplicating it with translation and rotation to get the barrels to line up nicely. The tip of the gun barrels was a tricky item to create, I eventually ended up deleting some polygons and bridged the gaps to form a nicely ronded gun nozzle.  I could not believe after trying several different approachs to create the tip that such a simple solution provided the best results.

The rest of the Gatling gun arm was created from cylinders and extruding them. 
Lastly I added the arm and pivot joint, again this was another simple cylinder and extruding tool. 

Well best get cracking with the rest of the arm.