Friday 6 May 2011

Import into UDK

I imported my mech and scene into UDK.  This took some time getting used to as I forgot to save the materials under separately to the UDK scene file. I had problems with collision detection, the mech went perfectly. However the diorama would not produce an accurate collision mesh, this maybe because the diorama has been created from just a single plane instead of a cube. To combat this I used the additive setting and created some blank walls underneath and behind the diorama so the character would not just fall straight through the level. I added two lights to the scene one directional light and another point light behind the mech to give the impression of day light.  This cast some nice shadows on the wall behind the mech.  I will have to spend quite a bit of time learning how to use UDK so I can create better scenes as well as be more familiar with all its functions.
Below is a screenshot of the final scene from UDK

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